Thursday 22 July 2010

Awwww - a brand new baby cousin!

First off, huge huge congratulations to my lovely cousin Mary who's just had a baby girl!!!  That makes her my first cousin once removed?  My second cousin?  who knows!!

"Cricket check" day, as head lice checks are known in this house...  How come 3 of my boys were completely clear, but one was riddled?  hmmmmm.

And I really can't believe the arrogance of some people - someone pulled up outside our house, blocking the drive to use the phone (plenty of room behind her).  Glen needed to go to the shop for something, so he made a big song & dance about getting into the car - nope, steadfastly refused to look out of the window.  He turned the key in the ignition & got the engine going, nope.  Put the car in reverse, uh-uh.  He used the horn - 3 times, leaning on it the final time.  No, she still was refusing to look (who doesn't look round when a car beeps next to them?)  I ended up having to go & knock on her window (earning myself a glare in the process & an "I'm on the phone") to get her to move - in her own time of course.....
She should count herself lucky I didn't get her reg & take pics of her in the car to report her to the police really....

Ah well...

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